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Create a Greenback Account

Create a Greenback Account

Create a Greenback Account

SSO: QuickBooks Online (QBO)

From your QBO account:

  1. Navigate to Apps >> Find Apps.

  2. Start typing greenback and then select it from the list.

  1. Click the button.
  2. Select Authorize.

You are taken to Greenback.

  1. Fill out the form and click Complete Profile.

  1. Select Get Started.

You are taken to Greenback's Accounting screen. You can see that your QBO account is linked!

SSO: Xero

From your Xero account:

  1. Select your name drop-down menu >> App marketplace.

  1. Start typing greenback and then select it from the list of suggested apps.

  1. Click the button.

You are taken to Greenback's website.

  1. Press Sign Up + Connect to XERO.

  2. Select Allow access.

You are taken back to Greenback.
5. Fill out the form and click Complete Profile.

  1. Select Get Started.

You are taken to Greenback's Accounting screen. You can see that your Xero account is linked!

Direct Sign Up

Sign up with your email address and then link your accounting program later.

  1. Click the Sign Up button on
  2. Enter your email and click Get Started.

You are emailed directions on completing your account creation.

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